Creative virtual learning with your camera or phone.

I can now offer  Personal Photography Tuition activities service virtually via Zoom sessions with screen sharing. Creative learning is a great way to interact, stimulate the senses & brain and to ward off any possible effects of isolation and loneliness. I can talk through your objectives and level of experience - it's ok to be a complete photo beginner, an expert or anything between! Many of my sessions are totally non-technical and fully inclusive. I often work on creative composition skills and via Zoom I can show images for us to discuss / critique. An ideal mix is 2 x 1 hour sessions with a week gap between for you to try things out at home or in the garden, this is just £90.00. You can do some practical photography during the session and take me with you on your phone or tablet! It's then possible to screen share your images with me via Zoom so we can discuss your photo results and help you improve further. It's all super relaxed and fun and very effective use of any self isolation time. Feel free to contact me to discuss photography tuition self isolation activities ideas for you - I can offer a bespoke package for exactly your requirements. Packages start at £45 for an hour initial session up to £300 for a flexible 7 hour package. Available as gift vouchers to any value over £45.

What does a Devon Commercial Photographer do During Lockdown?

Devon commercial photographer, Tony Cobley has been keeping busy during the Coronavirus lockdown. Between volunteering in his local community and the occasional safe home product photoshoot, Tony has also been providing virtual photography tuition for hobby snappers anywhere in the world via Zoom. He’s also giving free on line consultations with business owners and marketing professionals to discuss photography plans for the other side of lockdown. This week, Tony has done a product photo shoot for a new client in Devon. “Allies of Nature” are a start-up emotional wellbeing business making flower essences who have put lots of effort into their branding and design. They needed quality images to show off their brand across all marketing material and social media. Tony who is a location commercial photographer was able to build a studio at his home near Plymouth in South Devon to do the product shoot. This maintained maximum social distancing and he handled the products with gloves to be extra safe. Tony shot individual images of all 22 flower essence products and then made some creative group shots. Simon Blackler, owner of “Allies of Nature” was thrilled with the resulting images and said: “I have just downloaded all the pics, what an awesome photoshoot, looks like you had some fun!! Great group shots as well as the individual bottles. I couldn’t have asked for any more. I’m looking forward to showing off your fantastic work. Brilliant job, first class effort.” Tony is keen to talk to anyone involved in marketing about future plans for the other side of the current lockdown and offers free photography consultations via Zoom for business owners and marketing / comm's professionals. See Tony's full portfolio via the folio links at Tony Cobley Photography